Lathe Brush Black Bristle

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Product Description

  • German quality lathe brushes 2″/48mm
  • Plastic insert Polirapi brand
  • Metal insert Niqua Germany

Best used with Unipol for pre polish. Gets into hard to reach placed, curved & detail.

The nylon and wire mounted brushes are usually used mostly for cleaning, de-burring and smoothing rough surfaces. However, some of the soft bristle nylon brushes can also be used for polishing. These midget polishing brushes come mounted in mini mandrels and fit in to your flexshaft handpiece. or lathe unmounted brushes to turn straight onto the spindle on your bench polisher . Each different bristle type creates a different finish. For example, brass wire bristles can be used for gold, copper and brass work whereas the steel wire bristles are better used for white metals like silver, white gold, platinum and aluminum. Soft white goat hair is for final polish stages.