CPM's long-term employees 1

We firmly believe that our team is our biggest asset, and that investing in talent is vital to sustainable business growth and success. In February 2020 we celebrated our 26th anniversary, a milestone that we can attribute in large part to the committed individuals that make up the vibrant and diverse Cape Precious Metals family.

Apart from founder and managing director Sharon Eades, 28 people have been with the company for over a decade. In their tenure at CPM, our long-term employees have developed a nuanced understanding of the market and our clients, and their years of experience have helped them cultivate a sixth sense that is crucial for innovation and growth.

With a focus on internal training, we continually evaluate and acknowledge existing talent and consider individual personalities and aptitudes when investing in the career development of our workforce. Analysing future organisational goals though the lens of human capital has cemented an emphasis on strategic planning into our corporate culture, addressing any potential skills gap through targeted development programmes, or noting where outside recruitment would best benefit the whole.

CPM team members know that they are valued. They understand that through hard work and dedication there is an open path for promotion or management consideration and that the work they do can make a difference on a companywide scale. Since they anticipate long-term employment, constructive working relationships are built, and effort is put into improving group performance and lifting each other up. They feel competent and personally invested in the company’s success, taking ownership and pride in their work.

Our veteran employees have become masters in their fields yet stay sufficiently motivated and challenged through continuous upskilling efforts. Their extensive organisational knowledge is vital to the effective education of new company members: providing clarity of direction, ensuring past mistakes are avoided and workflow is maintained, and providing trainees with a greater sense of autonomy and confidence in their work. They have blossomed into leaders, nurturing company culture, fostering trust and contributing to employee engagement and job satisfaction. They are appreciated for their vast expertise and enjoy their rewarding roles as mentors, and being exposed to fresh ideas from their apprentices.

The benefits of this approach don’t end at the internal stability and resilience that CPM has enjoyed in this volatile economic climate, but extend to our clients in the form of loyal and passionate service, delivered timeously through the efficiency that results from this stable and productive working environment.

Our stalwart stars are spread across all levels of the organisation, from housekeeping to executives. All 10 managers have been with CPM for a decade or more, reflecting Sharon’s sentiment that once you understand this industry, you’re here to stay! Our full list of long-term team members at March 2020 equals close on half of our staff contingent.

  1. Sharon Eades (Director): 26 years
  2. Carminda Mxunyelwa (Housekeeping): 24+ years
  3. Charmaine Rossouw (Sales Executive): 23 years
  4. Malcolm Jenner (KZN/Gauteng, Regional Manager): 10 years & 13+ years.
  5. Albert Schulz (Refinery Administrator): 21 years
  6. Dennis Van Heerden (Sales Manager): 17+ years
  7. Francois Jonker (Manager): 16+ years
  8. Jolandie Binneman (Manager): 15+ years
  9. Olga Hood-Eades (Executive): 15 years
  10. Primrose Tologu (Housekeeping): 15+ years
  11. Reneé Sangerhaus (Eastern Cape Manager): 15+ years
  12. Brent Knipe (Sales): 15+ years
  13. Glenda Jacobs (Manager): 14+ years
  14. André Gerber (Smelter): 14+ years
  15. Rozane Stander (Debtors Clerk): 14+ years
  16. Georgia Walters (Team Leader): 14+ years
  17. Bridgette Makatesi (Refinery): 13+ years
  18. Patrick Dayimani (Maintenance): 13+ years
  19. Nelson Mthabathi (Refinery): 13 years
  20. Melody Mxunyelwa (Internal Sales): 12+ years
  21. JC Binedell (Team Leader): 11+ years
  22. Peter Mazinyo (Refinery): 11+ years
  23. Tommaso Altavilla (Sales Manager): 11+ years
  24. Chantel Futter (Sales): 10+ years
  25. Zelpha Relese (Refinery): 10+ years
  26. Walter Ngwenya (Refinery): 10+ years
  27. Bianca Pitt (Team Leader): 10+ years
  28. Janelle Thomson (Manager): 10+ years
  29. Jaun Hattingh (Internal Sales/Refinery): 10+ years

CPM’s motto – “The team that works together, works” is surely evidenced by this noteworthy and impressive staff service record. Our team is on-hand to offer expert knowledge and advice across our range of products and services. Chat to one of our dedicated execs about how CPM can help you:

HEAD OFFICE: +27 (0)21 551 2066
(servicing Western Cape & Namibia)

JOHANNESBURG: +27 (0)11 334 6263
(servicing Gauteng, Northern Provinces & Botswana)

DURBAN: + 27 (0)31 303 5402
(servicing KwaZulu-Natal, Free State & Northern Cape)

PORT ELIZABETH: +27 (0)41 365 1890
(servicing Eastern Cape)
