As part of our comprehensive overview of all of the different kinds of refining that jewellers can make money back from, let’s delve into the categories of polishings and bench sweeps.
Read on for descriptions of these, as well as best practices in collecting, storing and submitting your refining to maximise your payout:
Polishings are dark thick black partials that are recovered from your polishing machines’ “socks”. This is high grade refining as this is where most of metal that was “lost” in manufacturing will be found.
How to look after your polishings refining:
Where possible, polishings should be kept separate from sweeps and any other low-grade refining, so keep separate containers for polishing waste.
How we recover precious metals from your polishings:
The polishings scrap is spread out in a large tray. Full descriptions of the contents are recorded and the polishing dust is photographed. The material is incinerated, calcined, milled and sieved, leaving us with a fine powder. A sample of the powder is sent to an independent assay laboratory. Flux is added to the powder which is smelted in our gas furnace and poured into an ingot. This is drilled for assay and sent to our laboratory for refining. The precious metals recovered must be equal to the expected yields calculated from assay.
Refining turnaround time for polishings:
- Our turnaround time for polishing is 10 working days.
- Please note this timeframe does not include time spent in transit to our Cape Town refinery.
Bench sweeps refers to high-grade jewellers waste that originates from the jewellers bench top or has been caught in your bench skin. It should be supplied clean, with contaminants limited as much as possible to brush bristles, sandpaper, bits of slag, cotton wool or saw blades.
How to look after your bench sweeps refining:
Bench sweeps contain a higher concentration of more easily refinable precious metals that yield much higher returns than floor sweeps. Make it a habit to regularly sweep your lap tray as well as your bench, especially if you work with different metals or carats. If so – sweep or wipe once you’re finished working with the particular metal and deposit the sweeps into a container that is dedicated to that metal or carat.
How we recover precious metals from your bench sweeps:
Gold, Silver and Platinum filings are calcined to remove organic matter and impurities. A magnet is then run through the material to remove iron filings and saw blades. Flux is added to melt the filings into a button or bar. The button is then drilled, assayed and sent to the laboratory for recovery.
Refining turnaround time for bench sweeps:
- Our turnaround time for bench sweeps is 3 – 5 working days.
- Please note this timeframe does not include time spent in transit to our Cape Town refinery.
For further info, see our refining tips section and look out for our upcoming articles covering floor sweeps, carpets and sludge.
Is there anything you’re unsure about? Don’t hesitate to contact your regional Sales Representative